Discover CeeD's presentations and posters.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Hambourg, Germany, October 2023
Unique signature of circular RNA in skeletal muscle of different insulin sensitivity, M. Yepmo
IPITA, San Diego, USA, October 2023
ILV-001 a highly promising therapeutic agent for islet transplantation. A. Langlois, A. Grabarz, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri.
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Montpellier, France, March 2023
Peptide X, un inhibiteur de la protéine MP001 prometteur pour améliorer la survie et la fonction des îlots pancréatiques humains. A. Langlois, M. Kanzaki, G. Bechtluft, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri.
EASD, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2022
Peptide X, a promising inhibitor of MP001 protein which improves human pancreatic islet survival and function. A. Langlois, M. Kanzaki, G. Bechtluft, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Strasbourg, France, March 2021
Un composant du sécrétome musculaire au secours de la greffe d’îlots pancréatiques. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, C. Peronet, G. Bechtluft, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri.
IPITA, Oxford, UK, June 2017
Improvement of pancreatic islet survival, function and angiogenesis targeting Prolylhydroxylases. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger; C. Peronet, C. Sookhareea, C. Mura; E. Maillard, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist and K. Bouzakri.
Transplantation Research & Techniques, Atlanta, USA, October 2016
Stimulation of islet revascularization modulating HIF-1α expression using siPHD3. A. Langlois, E. Maillard-Pedracini, M. Prinz, R. Beaurepère, W. Bietiger, C. Sookhareea, C. Mura, N. Jeandidier1, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist.
AIDPIT, Igls, Austria, January 2014
Pro-angiogenic effect of liraglutide in a model of intrahepatic transplantation of rat pancreatic islets: role of oxidative stress. A. Langlois, S. Dal-Ros, K. Vivot, W. Bietiger, C. Mura, C. Peronet, E. Seyfritz, C. Dollinger, E. Maillard, M. Pinget, N. Jeandidier, S. Sigrist.
IPITA, Monterey, USA, September 2013
Role of oxidative stress in the pro-angiogenic effect of liraglutide on Rat pancreatic islets. A. Langlois, S. Dal-Ros, W. Bietiger, C. Mura, E. Seyfritz, C. Dollinger, M. Pinget, N. Jeandidier, S. Sigrist.
CTS-IXA, Miami, USA, October 2011
IPITA, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2011
Role of islet culture on angiogenic and inflammatory mechanisms. A. Langlois, C. Dollinger , W. Bietiger , K. Vivot , N. Jeandidier , M. Pinget, S. Sigrist.
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Lille, France, March 2010
Effet comparé de la surexpression du VEGF par la Deferoxamine ou l’infection adénovirale sur le contrôle métabolique de rats diabétiques après transplantation d’îlots pancréatiques. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, N. Jeandidier, S. Sigrist.
AIDPIT, Igls, Austria, January 2010
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Strasbourg, France, March 2009
Amélioration de la revascularisation des îlots pancréatiques après transplantation : approche génétique ou pharmacologique ? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
ATTD, Athens, Greece, February 2009
Optimization of pancreatic islets revascularization after transplantation: Pharmacological approach or gene therapy? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Brussels, Belgium, March 2008
Approche pharmacologique ou génique pour la surexpression du VEGF par les îlots pancréatiques au cours de la transplantation ? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, K. Mandes, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
AIDPIT, Igls, Austria, January 2008
Pharmacologic approach or gene therapy for VEGF overexpression in pancreatic islets during transplantation? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, K. Mandes, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
IPITA, Minneapolis, USA, September 2007
Overexpression of VEGF in vitro using deferoxamine: new drug to increase islet vascularisation during transplantation. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, K. Mandes, E. Maillard, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
International Symposium Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine, Mulhouse, France, September 2007
Overexpression of VEGF in vitro using deferoxamine: new drug to increase islet vascularisation during transplantation. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, K. Mandes, E. Maillard, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
AIDPIT, Montpellier, France, February 2007
Effect of the deferoxamine in the overexpression of VEGF during islets transplantation. A. Langlois, K. Mandes, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Paris, France, March 2006
Surexpression de VEGF au cours de la transplantation d’îlots : thérapie génique ou cellulaire ? A. Langlois, K. Mandes, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist,
AIDPIT, Pisa, Italy, February 2006
Cellular or gene therapy for type 1 diabetic patients: Overexpression of VEGF during islets transplantation. A. Langlois, K. Mandes, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
TONECA, Barcelona, Spain, January 2006
Preservation of islets viability during transplantation: vegf overexpression using cellular or gene therapy. A. Langlois, K. Mandès, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
American Diabetes Association (ADA), San Diego, USA, June 2023
• ILV-001 a highly promising therapeutic agent for islet transplantation. A. Langlois, A. Grabarz, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri.
• Unique signature of circular RNA in skeletal muscle of different insulin sensitivity. M. Yepmo, E. Meugnier, M. Pinget, K. Bouzakri
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Montpellier, France, March 2023
Résultats d’un dépistage de masse du diabète de type 2 chez 8 354 sujets vivant dans le Grand Est entre 2015 et 2021. M. Pflieger, R. Bidani, S. Ludwig, D. Gras, M. Pinget
Société Française d'Endocrinologie (SFE), Nantes, France, October 2022
Prévention et traitement de la NASH par des myokines. A. Dumond Bourie, JB Potier, A. Fardellas, M. Aouadi et K. Bouzakri
International Liver Congress, European Association for the Study of Liver, London, UK, June 2022
Skeletal muscle-derives myokine affects insulin sensitivity and lipogenesis in a human hepatocytes spheroid model. A. Dumond, J-B. Potier, M. Aouadi, A. Fardellas
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Nice, France, March 2022
La Myokine X, myokine dérivée du triceps, protège les cellules β pancréatiques contre l'inflammation chronique. A. Langlois, B. Zarrouki, J. Cherfan, C. Arous, C. Peronet, H. Hamdard, B. Wehrle Haller, M. Pinget et K. Bouzakri.
EuroDia Meeting, Strasbourg, France, November 2019
EuroDia Meeting, Strasbourg, France, November 2017
Improvement of pancreatic islet survival, function and angiogenesis targeting Prolylhydroxylases. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger; C. Peronet, C. Sookhareea, C. Mura; E. Maillard, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist and K. Bouzakri.
EASD, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2017
Impact of Prolyhydroxylases proteins on survival, function and angiogenesis in pancreatic islets: A target to improve islets graft? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger; C. Peronet, C. Sookhareea, C. Mura; E. Maillard, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist and K. Bouzakri.
EPITA, Igls, Austria, Janvier 2016
Impact of hyperglycemia on islets revascularization deficiency post intraportale transplantation. A. Langlois , E. Maillard-Pedracini , S. DAL, C. Sookhareea, A. Schaschkow , W. Bietiger, N. Jeandidier, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist
IPITA, Melbourne, Australia, November 2015
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Paris, France, March 2014
AIDPIT, Igls, Austria, January 2014
EASD, Barcelone, Spain, September 2013
Role of oxidative stress in the pro-angiogenic effect of liragluitde on Rat pancreatic islets. A. Langlois, S. Dal-Ros, W. Bietiger, C. Mura, E. Seyfritz, C. Dollinger, M. Pinget , N. Jeandidier , S. Sigrist.
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Nice, France, March 2012
Stimulation de la sécrétion de VEGF dans les îlots pancréatiques de Rat par le Liraglutide. A. Langlois , K. Vivot , N. Jeandidier , W. Bietiger , C. Dollinger , M. Pinget , S. Sigrist.
EASD, Lisbonne, Portugal, September 2011
Liraglutide increases VEGF secretion in rat pancreatic islets. A. Langlois, K. Vivot, N. Jeandidier, W. Bietiger, C. Dollinger, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist.
Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Lille, France, March 2010
IPITA, Venisa, Italy, October 2009
Identification of new therapeutic targets to increase islet vascularization during transplantation. A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist
AIDPIT, Igls, Austria, January 2009
Optimization of pancreatic islets revascularization after transplantation: pharmacological approach or gene therapy? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist
EASD, Roma, Italy, September 2008
Optimization of pancreatic islets revascularization after transplantation: Pharmacological approach or gene therapy? A. Langlois, W. Bietiger, E. Seyfritz, K. Mandes, E. Maillard, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
Société française d'endocrinologie (SFE), Marseille, France, March 2007
Rôle de la déferoxamine dans la surexpression de VEGF au cours de la transplantation d’îlots. A. Langlois, K. Mandes, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
Alfediam - Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), Paris, France, March 2006
Immunomodulation des îlots pancréatiques : effet de l’irradiation UVB sur l’activation macrophagique. A. Langlois, G. Guidicelli, K. Mandes, A. Belcourt, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
AIDPIT, Pisa, Italy, February 2006
Immunomodulation of pancreatic islets: Effect of UVB irradiation on macrophage activation. A. Langlois, G. Guidicelli, K. Mandes, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.
Société française d'endocrinologie (SFE), Strasbourg, France, October 2005
Immunomodulation des îlots pancréatiques : effet de l’irradiation UVB sur l’activation macrophagique. A. Langlois, G. Guidicelli, K. Mandes, M. Pinget, L. Kessler, S. Sigrist.